Welcome to Surfcasters Cove on Cape Cod, Ma.

Surfcasters Cove Photos site is all about pictures and only pictures.

Simple Instructions:

Just Let It Play!

Most of the time you can swipe the picture if your using a cell phone. Mouse over will put controls on the picture to let you pause, go back or forward.


Lets Go To The Beach!

The pictures server is now running a I3-10100 Processor with 1Tera of disk space. Operating System is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, running Apache Web Server and MySql Database Server and is battery backup and is all solid state, no Harddrives.

Some of the old pictures are from the days when there were BBS and communications was performed through modems. Remember when Fido, Wildcat, Opus was the big thing.
All photographs are copyright

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Last time this page was updated
01/01/2024 22:27
Copyright 2004-2024